Senin, 05 September 2011

Late Birthday Post

As 2nd September was my birthday, I know this were kinda late, and more late again, to posting something after my last post.
But hey, its better late than never :)
So, to answer my new chapter of life as 23rd old year (start to) independent woman, I decided to write my own wish-list that I want to, and would to fulfill before I meet another 2nd September, next year.
So, without any delay, here we go go go!
1. Post something, anything, in my blog minimal 3 times a week.
2. Take my TOEFL Test again, and past my old score, which is 500 something.
3. Take a driving class.
4. Go to gym (again) and burn A LOT of fat. Ideal body weight IS not a dream only. Fight-O!
5. To finish my novel (which I started it from some time waaaay back ago)
6. Go to idol concert or rock probably, if Linkin Park or my old crush Eminem held a concert. *giggle*
7. Take a writing class
8. Go to Java Jazz.
9. Be more organized.
10. Be an on time-person.
11. Applying for overseas master scholarship.
12. Settle down to church.
13. be assertive.
14. Be spoken up and true to myself.
15. Learning to give my 1/10 annual to Father JC.
16. Reading some informative article everyday.
17. Lose this entire annoying pimple on my face.
18. Remembering all of important days, such my sisters’ birthday, my parent aniversary, or ehm, my monthly cycle.
19. Have an saving.
20. Making a new friend every month. Especially them, bloggers, that I follow with dedication.
21. Be a good sister and daughter with helping some housework.
23. Learn to cook something other than, yeah, fried eggs.
24. Finding a parfume that fit my personality.
25. Stoping that bad delaying-run away from problem habbit.
26. Be a whole better person than my 22nd year old self (^^)

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